EasyHub℠: Revolutionize Your Insurance Business with Managed Integrations

A New Era of System Management
Prepare for the future of insurance integration with EasyHub℠, our pioneering Managed Insurance Middleware Service (MIMS). EasyHub℠ enables a new era in system management, sitting as a secure and cloud-based service between your core systems and the variety of third-party add-ons and insuretech options. This innovative MIMS approach enables rapid deployment, cost reduction, and proven outcomes, catapulting your business into a realm of increased efficiency and exponential growth.

One-Stop Solution for Seamless Integrations
EasyHub℠ is your one-stop solution for business-critical integrations, freeing your IT resources to focus on your core system needs and new projects which require added focus.

Value-Added Insurance Services
More than integrations, managed services on EasyHub℠ equates to value-added services and solutions built to support insurance data, workflows, automations, products, security considerations, and more.

A Secure Interface That Lessens the Pain of Vendor Dependencies
The power is in your hands with EasyHub's REST API. Integrate your underwriting, claims, and billing systems directly, or let us tailor-build your solution. Experience the freedom from vendor dependencies, as EasyHub℠ equips you to maneuver with agility and independence. Plus, our robust API authentication framework ensures simple, secure interfacing with each new third-party service.

Significant Reduction in Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
With our round-the-clock managed service, you can bid farewell to the hassles of upgrading, patching, and maintaining your third-party integrations, reducing your TCO. Pricing tiers, based upon premium volume, cater to businesses of all sizes and growth stages.

Add New Services at Very Low Prices
If your chosen vendor service or add-on is new to EasyHub℠, we will negotiate an initial on-boarding cost at a drastically reduced rate. We benefit by adding the new solution and you benefit with a completed project at a fraction of the price you might have otherwise paid.

EasyHub℠ - Transforming the Way You Do Business
So, step into the future of insurance with EasyHub℠ and experience the transformation first-hand.

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